How to Choose the Right Dog For You
When purchasing a dog, it’s important to pick the one that’s best for you. There are lots of things to consider, including how much time you’ll have to take care of it, checking your living conditions, consideration of their temperament and personality, and assessing your budget.
Consider How Much Time You’ll Have to Care For it
Some breeds require more time than others due to needing more exercise, mental stimulation and needing more time to be around other people and dogs. Labrador Retrievers, Border Collies and Australian Shepherds typically require more attention. Whereas Shih Tzus, Bulldogs and Greyhounds can be content with having time alone.
Check Your Living Conditions
Different dogs require different living conditions. It may be essential for some dogs like Labrador Retrievers and Border Collies to have spacious backyards to run around in due to having high energy levels. Whereas other dogs, like Bulldogs and Cavalier King Charles don’t have as much energy, so it’s not as important that they have backyards to run around in.
Also, if you live in an apartment or in a neighborhood that has an HOA, it’s important to check if they have pet restrictions. Some HOAs and apartments don’t allow pets and have restrictions on what type of breed you can have, weight restrictions, and how many dogs you are allowed to own.
Consider Temperament and Personality
When choosing a dog, it’s important to consider their temperament and personality. Some things to consider are whether the dog you are wanting to get will do well around other dogs or children, their activity level, trainability, guarding instincts, and grooming needs.
Assess Your Budget
It’s important to consider your budget when purchasing your furry companion. Some breeds may be more expensive than others due to their initial cost in purchasing it, grooming needs, the amount of food they will need, how much training they need and their health. Other expenses include hiring a dog sitter or a doggy day care, toys and care products, vaccinations and preventative care, paying for them to be neutered or spayed, etc.
By considering your available time to care for a dog, assessing your living conditions, evaluating potential dog’s temperament, and examining your budget, you can determine the perfect canine companion to become your new best.